Sage and Vetivier essential oil

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  • Citrus Cedarleaf: A refreshing and earthy blend of pure essential oils and all-natural elements with notes of clove, ginger, and cedarleaf.
  • Cypress Lavender: A serene and earthy blend of pure essential oils and all-natural elements with notes of juniper, eucalyptus, and lavandin.
  • Rosewood Casis: A bright and earthy blend of pure essential oils and all-natural elements with notes of rosewood, currant, and bergamot.
  • Vetiver Sage: An invigorating and earthy blend of pure essential oils and all-natural elements with notes of bergamot, clary sage, and vetiver.

Made with pure essential oils and naturally derived ingredients, our All-Natural Oil comes packaged in a paper tube with artfully styled botanical photography. Pair with our Ceramic Oil Burner to fill the space you inhabit with earthly aroma. Dilute 8-10 drops with water for best fragrance throw.

* Fill Weight: 0.5fl oz
* Product Size 1.375" x 1.375" x 4.25"

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